I am wondering if somebody could inform me of the correct behaviour for a Rails app running through Rack/Passenger, as I am seeing some unusual behaviour on a production system which has never been running quite right.
My understanding is that Passenger will create instances of Rack to satisfy demand for a web application. The problem I have is that both Passenger and Rack processes disappear after a few minutes runtime. In this eventuality, the next request will restart both Passenger and Rack, but this can take upwards of 10 seconds.
When I look at the process list, I see that when things are working well I have at least one instance of "Rack: /my_application". I also have "Passenger ApplicationSpawner" running.
ApplicationSpawner seems to disappear after about 10 minutes, and the Rack instances sometimes disappear as well. I sometimes end up with no Rack processes or an ApplicationSpawner, so the next request takes ages.
Any ideas as to how to correct this?