I'd like to access a D-Bus system service from another machine, knowing only machine's IP address and the service to connect to.
What I have recently found is Gabriel (D-Bus over SSH). I have compiled its GIT version (hosted on Sourceforge) and this seems to work, but I keep getting a problem with the lack of "keep-alive". This means that after some period of inactivity the SSH tunnel fails to forward D-Bus requests to remote PC and I must restart Gabriel.
Since Gabriel uses socat on the PC it connects to, I've just had an idea of using socat also on local PC (replacing Gabriel with it).
- Could anyone more familiar with setting up "socat" confirm that solution please?
- Could such solution handle many client applications connecting to the same remote D-Bus service at once?
- As it is unneccessary for me to have the connection secured - would using "socat" on both sides make the connection significantly faster (in opposite to Gabriel's SSH tunnel, if the SSH gives too much overhead)?
- Does anyone have any better solution for accessing D-Bus remotely maybe?
Any comments appreciated.