I am using a WRT54G router to host a few computers and servers. I have another computer that is wired to a wireless bridge, which is a WET610N.

How do I access the admin page of my WRT54G through my bridge? "" gives no response.

What I really want is to be able to RDC into my other machines that are connected to my WRT54G through my computer that is connected to the WET610N bridge.

diagram 1

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Mike Pennington
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Paul Knopf
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1 Answers1


Your wireless APs cannot communicate with each other right now; the linksys devices should be configured to participate in a Wireless Distribution System with the same WPA keys and wifi channel.

I am not sure whether the stock linksys firmware supports this mode; several open-source firmware packages support WDS.

Mike Pennington
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