after several hours of googling and trying (and reading several posts on this page) I still do not know what I am doing wrong. So I would be very happy, if somebody could help me here...

I updated Ubuntu 11.10 to 12.4 LTS and thus had to switch vom gitosis to gitolite (the update removed the deprecated gitosis package; gitosis worked nicely before). I disabled the old gitosis installation (user gitosis) by removing the authorized_keys and the post update hook and then follwed this tutorial to install gitolite: http://cisight.com/how-to-setup-git-server-using-gitolite-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric/

Everything up to (including) the following line worked fine:

gl-setup /temp/gitadmin.pub

However, when I try to clone (on the same computer with my personal user which has the private key to gitadmin.pub), I am asked to enter the password of "git". However, git has no password (I created a new git user as follows:

sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/sh --gecos 'git version control' --group --disabled-password --home /home/git git


Can anybody help me and tell me what I am missing here!? Thanks!

PS: Git clone from a public github repo works (git was setup up with gitosis some time ago)

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  • Are you using a config file to reference the private key? See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/922210/unable-to-git-push-master-to-github/922461#922461 – VonC Jul 12 '12 at 20:05
  • As far as I understand this post, the config file is a client thing? I also tried from a windows client (the same way it worked with the gitosis installation) - but this did not work either. I think it is something with the server setup??? – vitr Jul 13 '12 at 07:08
  • `config` is a ssh file, put in the `~/.ssh` directory in order to specify where the private ssh key is. It also works on Windows, provided you defined first the `%HOME%` environment variable. To further debug your issue, you should edit your question with the result of `ssh -vvv user@server`. This is first and foremost an ssh issue, but check if your `gitoliteadmin.pub` is registered on the server side in `~/.ssh/authorized_keys`. – VonC Jul 13 '12 at 07:20

1 Answers1


i think you have to change your sshd_config file:

PasswordAuthentication no

or add

Match User yourUser

     PasswordAuthentication no
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