All right... I have my server set up and I have 4 sites residing in /var/www/. Each site directory and the files underneath it are all root:www-pub according to this post:
What's the best way of handling permissions for Apache 2's user www-data in /var/www?
My user, cdog, is part of the www-pub, as directed by the above post and, after more research, I believe umask is set up properly.
Issues 1: Creating new files inside any of the /var/www/ directories gives me permissions
cdog:www-pub -rw-r--r--
all other files are
root:www-pub -rw-rw-r--
I was led to believe (according to above post) that any new files created would be the later.
Issue 2 Most of these directories, with permissions of
are Joomla directories. Logging into the Joomla back end gives me a whole bunch of unwritable directories, which isn't good for updating/installing extensions/plugins, etc.
First, why aren't my files being created with the correct permissions? Second, why are the Joomla directories not writable?