I'm using CentOS 5. I have a need to use net-snmp version "net-snmp-utils-5.5-37.el6_2.1.x86_64" which is currently available in CentOS 6 but not in CentOS 5. The reason I need this version (or greater) is because there is a new supported option added to the config files that I need for my setup.

It would be very much appreciated if someone would give me some steps to install this version (or greater) on my production CentOS 5 systems. Upgrading to CentOS 6 is currently not an option.

Any help would be appreciated.


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1 Answers1


I would go to a RHEL5 development machine, untar the source of your choice, cd into the untarr'd directory then issue:

./configure --prefix=/opt/netsnmp; make; make install

Get some coffee :-). Now tar the /opt/netsnmp directory up and copy to your production machine. Be sure to either alias or otherwise prefer this new netsnmp. If it won't run on the new box, ldd is your friend to track down which shared libs are missing.

Mike Pennington
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