I'm still learning my ways around on my localhost server, whih is running Apache 2.2, Coldfusion8 and MySQL Server 5.5 (on Windows XP).

I need to work on a site I inherited, which also ran some PHP scripts under the same setup. I have installed PHP5 on my localhost, but when I open a dummy page with:

<?php phpinfo();?>

I only get plain text returned, so I guess I haven't configured Apache correctly to also serve PHP (while defaulting to Coldfusion).

Where do I need to get started if I want PHP to work on my current setup, too? Is there something I need to add to the httpd.conf file? If possible I don't want to uninstall/reinstall everything, because it took forever to get everything to work (excluding php).

Thanks for any pointers!

EDIT: Added this to my httpd.conf:

AddType Application/x-httpd-php .php 
LoadModule php5_module "c:/programme/php/php5apache2_2.dll"

and restarted Apache. Nothing happens...

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1 Answers1


Ok. Uninstall/Reinstall PHP worked...

This was helpful in case anyone else runs into the same:

Installing and Configuring PHP/Apache/MySQL (sans CF)

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