I've come across some article online to enable mod_deflate to gzip files while sending from the server.

For that, I tried to load the mod_deflate.so module by adding a line on my httpd.conf

LoadModule deflate_module modules/mod_deflate.so

But it seems the mod_deflate.so file is missing from the server.

I tried a find / -name "mod_deflate.so" -print but it returns no results.

So how do I compile and add mod_deflate to my modules directory?


I found out this tutorial at http://streetsmartingit.blogspot.in/2007/11/how-to-compileinstall-moddeflate-into.html?m=1

Step 1 says:

Hack apr-config located in the /usr/local/apache2/bin directory so 
the LDFLAGS will have the "-lz" value similar below:

What does 'Hack apr-config' this mean?

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2 Answers2


Did you build apache from source? If so, you may need to recompile apache with the option: --enable-deflate

Lars Rohrbach
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  • I'm not sure about that because I took help from a friend. Can you please elaborate on that - recompiling apache (noob here). Thanks. – ptamzz May 23 '12 at 07:01
  • @ptamzz better ask your friend then, he should know what's installed and how. – Oliver May 23 '12 at 07:08

try run "sudo a2enmod deflate".

Then restart apache.


$ sudo a2enmod deflate Enabling module deflate. To activate the new configuration, you need to run: service apache2 restart $

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