I have been tasked with setting up and supporting some computers for some people who have sociological problems. Troubled teens/adults and the like. They need computers to do very basic tasks like web browse, but they know little about computers and will delete and destroy anything they can without care.
So I am building some cheap white boxes and plan to put a locked down version of Ubuntu on it with some built in recovery options. Any suggestions on a ChromeOS like Distro would be appreciated.
My big problem is remote administration. They will not have a fixed IP and I won't control anything about the network. So port forwarding is out.
An option is to buy an EC2 and have each client connect with OpenVPN when they come online. I could then SSH in and fix problems. But EC2 is not free and I will not be making any money from this.
My preferred way is BotNet style. I have a friend that runs a private IRC server. I could set up a channel and have all the clients log in and I could issue commands. A remote bash shell to IRC gateway would be nice.
I do something like this only over XMPP with Nagios with my servers. It's real handy to quickly look down a list and see who is online, who is having problems, and issue commands.
Anyone know of such an IRC bot like a BotNet? Or any better way to do this?