My fstab on the osx server is as follows: /Users/HMTS01/BACKUP cifs automated,username=TEST,password=TEST,uid=hmts01,gid=staff,file_mode=0700,dir_mode=0700 0 0

The windows share (TST on is mounted correctly as the BACKUP folder in HMTS01's home folder, however the owner and permissions are wrong.

dr-xr-xr-x   2 root    wheel    1  4 May 12:08 BACKUP
drwx------+  3 hmts01  staff  102  4 May 09:20 Desktop
drwx------+  5 hmts01  staff  170  4 May 09:27 Documents
drwx------+  4 hmts01  staff  136  4 May 09:20 Downloads
drwx------+ 29 hmts01  staff  986  4 May 10:03 Library
drwx------+  3 hmts01  staff  102  4 May 09:20 Movies
drwx------+  3 hmts01  staff  102  4 May 09:20 Music
drwx------+  4 hmts01  staff  136  4 May 09:20 Pictures
drwxrwxr-x+  6 hmts01  staff  204  4 May 11:24 Public
drwxr-xr-x+  6 hmts01  staff  204  4 May 09:20 Sites

The uid for the folder is root and not hmts01 as specified. Also, the directory doesn't give write access to anyone. I want only hmts01 (osx user) to have full access to the directory.

the parameters are

  • windows share
    • username:test
    • password:TEST
  • osx mount point ~/BACKUP
  • mount as hmts01 on osx with permissions 700
  • automated at boot

Any help will be much appreciated.

It would be awesome if someone could help explain the formatting of the fstab line.

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1 Answers1


When you created /Users/HMTS01/BACKUP, how did you set its ownership and permissions? You may need to set the mount point's metainfo manually before mounting the filesystem.

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