I am getting 404 error while the file exist. I gave the file (chmod 755) still the file does not show up. Strange part it only happens to few files. I am certain the file exists on the directory and PHP file have no script errors. My .htaccess file says

ErrorDocument 404 http://mydomain.com/404.shtml

This only happens on my Google Chrome browser and it works fine on Safari.

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2 Answers2


If it only happens in some browsers but not in others, have you tried clearing the browser cache? ErrorDocument with an absolute URL will send a redirect, which might be cached in your browser.

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Do you have access to your servers log files? Can you check if your browser actually made a request, and if your server sent out a 404 error? This should be the first thing to check, to decide if it was a server-side error, or just a problem with the browser/proxy caching pages, and serving a cached 404 error page.

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