I need to run a WebDAV server inside of an LXC container, but I'm being told that modprobe is not available (even as root). I've seen that this was requested by developers, but how can I get around it?

Running on Debian Squeeze.

Here's the messages I'm getting after loading dav2fs on the main server:

Please enter the username to authenticate with server or hit enter for none.
  Username: lwapnitsky
Please enter the password to authenticate user lwapnitsky with server or hit enter for none.
/sbin/mount.davfs: sh: 1: can't open fuse device
/sbin/modprobe: not found/sbin/mount.davfs:
trying coda kernel file system
sh: 1: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/sbin/mount.davfs: no free coda device to mount

1 Answers1


LXC is - according to its own home-page “chroot on steroids”. So basically you do use the "main" kernel (outside the container) - not - like in virtualization - your "own" kernel.

So if you really need a certain kernel-module this has to be loaded on your LXC-server.

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