
in my Linux machine I have the file orig-file.txt

this file include now 4 fields but they could be less or more ( this file generate by other application )

I need advice - what the best option to translate the orig-file.txt to file as output-file.txt file ( could be by shell script or awk ..etc)

the target to translate the orig-file.txt file to output-file.txt ( as my example below ) while need to remember that in the orig-file.txt number of fields can change to more or less

What the best option to do that? ( I will happy to get real example )


-------------------           -------------------- ---------- -----------------
24-09-2009 16:17:45           33633333333                  20 other_mmm_phone
24-09-2009 17:45:07           33644444444                  20 other_mmm_phone
07-10-2009 10:45:49           12312312312                  20 legacyphone
07-10-2009 11:46:38           59320000043                  20 other_mmm_phone


CREATE_TIMESTAMP -> 24-09-2009 16:17:45
TELEPHONE_NUMBER -> 33633333333
ID               -> 20
TYPE             -> other_mmm_phone


CREATE_TIMESTAMP -> 24-09-2009 16:17:45
TELEPHONE_NUMBER -> 33633333333
ID               -> 20
TYPE             -> other_mmm_phone


solution by AWK but not work -:(

     awk 'FNR == 1 {
        for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
            header[i] = $i
     FNR > 2 {
        for (i = 1; i<= NF; i++) {
            print header[i], "->", $i
        printf "\n\n\n%s\n\n\n", "--------"
     }'    output.csv
 awk: syntax error near line 5
 awk: illegal statement near line 5
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  • Your example for `output-file.txt` is *not* a CSV file (which means Comma separated value, but is often done with a semicolon or tab stops). The `orig-file` is much more like a CSV file. – Sven Apr 17 '12 at 14:32
  • ok see my update ( I delete the CSV word ) – yael Apr 17 '12 at 14:35
  • wouldn't it be easier to do it through database? or have perl parse it with whatever output you need – alexus Apr 17 '12 at 20:13
  • awk script is almost complete so why not use it - maybe its simple problem ? – yael Apr 17 '12 at 21:00

3 Answers3


What the best option to do that.

The tool that you already know will probably be the best. If you are familiar with awk, then awk is fine. If you are familar with perl, python, ruby, whatever, then one of those may be good. You what appears to be a trivial programming task, pick your favorite tool.

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If I want to do this, I will do it using a Perl script.

  1. Read the first line from input file and keep it as header.
  2. Skip one line.
  3. Continue reading line at a time. For each line,
    1. Split the line based on the defined delimiter using split.
    2. Print the returned values along with the header files according to the needed format.

You need either to have a fixed delimiter between the fields such as \t or a fixed-length fields to be able to reliably split the fields.

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  • what about awk seems to me fine lang to work with ... – yael Apr 17 '12 at 15:04
  • A simple split on headers/delimiter may be a problem here. If you split on whitespace for example, then you are going to get `24-09-2009` and `16:17:45` as separate values. – Zoredache Apr 17 '12 at 17:01
  • @Zoredache: yes, you are right. Because of that I said to use `\t` as example and not a space. – Khaled Apr 18 '12 at 06:52

This will accommodate any number of fields.

awk 'FNR == 1 {
        for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
            header[i] = $i
     FNR > 2 {
        for (i = 1; i<= NF; i++) {
            print header[i], "->", $i
        printf "\n\n\n%s\n\n\n", "--------"
     }' inputfile

It will need some adjustment to handle the fact that the timestamp includes a space. What separates the fields? If it's tabs only, then you can use -F '\t' or perhaps -F '\t+'.

Dennis Williamson
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  • see my update in my question - awk not work in my solaris machine ? in ksh shell – yael Apr 17 '12 at 19:54
  • maybe the "}" is missing ?? – yael Apr 17 '12 at 20:32
  • @yael: Yes, there was a missing `}` before `FNR > 2`. I have edited my answer to include the correction. Why is your question tagged `[bash]` when you're using ksh (not that it matters in this case)? It would have been more important to indicate that you're using Solaris since that affects the version of AWK you're likely to have. – Dennis Williamson Apr 17 '12 at 23:38