I installed WAMP server 2.2 on Windows 7 x64. I clicked on its system tray icon and put the server online. Then I select PhpMyAdmin and I get a 404 page.

Localhost successfully gives me the Apache 2 test page. There's no way I'm able to fix this. The PHP error log and the Apache error logs have no errors.

Note: I've tried all combinations of the url such as localhost/phpmyadmin/ and localhost/phpmyadmin and localhost/phpmyadmin/?

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3 Answers3



Make sure that nothing else is using port 80. Check netstat -abn to see what is listening on that port.

One of the biggest culprits is Skype. Look under options >> advanced >> connection and see if "use port 80" is checked. Uncheck if so. Then restart Skype. Might have to restart WAMP too.

Next would be any anti-virus / anti-spam / anti-functionality software. Temporarily disable it to test. If everything works, re-enable it and figure out what portion of the software is blocking the connection.

Check to see if IIS is installed and uninstall it.


Check your directory structure. Open up your web root and make sure that a phpmyadmin folder exists, and also exactly what case its typed in.

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  • I had to un-install my previous installation of MySQL server and then re-install wamp to make it work. Now the wamp server works fine but Im getting an access denied at phpMyAdmin. I thinks thats a totally different issue. – Urban Apr 10 '12 at 21:27

Ok, well first I had to un-install my previous installation of the MySQL server. This fixed the wamp server which now ran perfectly.
A different issue also cropped up later (not related directly to question). I was getting access denied on the phpMyAdmin page. This I could fix by changing $cfg['Servers'][$i]['nopassword'] = false; to $cfg['Servers'][$i]['nopassword'] = true;
The above lines are in C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.2.0.1\libraries and search for config.default.php

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I was just having this problem and i've come across an easier solution:

left click on the wamp tray icon apache> apache modules> check the 'rewrite module'
