I have couple of Debian servers and currently I am struggling around with adding manually ssh keys to the server's authorized_keys files. Do you know an application which can do this in a nice semi-automated way? Ideally with a nifty interface, where I can see which keys are used on which server etc.? I have just read in this posting about puppet, but I need to evaluate it a bit. Do you have any suggestions?

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1 Answers1


Any change management system will do the trick; puppet and cfengine being the most used and either would do the job.

Personally, I favor puppet and the configuration to deploy SSH keys is built in and quite robust; it'd take only a few hours to deploy, get comfortable, and start using it for somthing as well-contained as ssh key management. Here is some useful documentation on doing just that:


As a bonus side effect, you'd then have a deployment system for other management tasks you could leverage. :-)

  • 1
    To be fair, there is a learning curve. However, it's such a useful tool that soon you'll be looking for more things to manage. I started with simply managing ntpd.conf and sudoers. – Martijn Heemels Apr 02 '12 at 22:07