There is a command in Linux that outputs system utilization called time. Is there a Windows equivalent? Or how else can I manually use the task manager commands in a batch file?

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  • Do you mean `uptime`? The `time` command simply benchmarks how long it takes to run a command. – Kyle Smith Mar 26 '12 at 17:34
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    No time is what I need. I want to benchmark how long it takes to run the command but I want to do it on Windows so I can do it in a batch file. – hanleyhansen Mar 26 '12 at 17:38

3 Answers3


If your Operating System has powershell (older operating systems might need a download), you can simply use Measure-Command cmdlet.

Lucas Kauffman
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The Windows Server 2003 Resource kit includes a timeit utility. The resource kit works fine on XP as well, and I've used the individual tools on newer Windows operating systems as well.

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  • Ok is there one to measure cpu utilization? Not just time but utilization as well. – hanleyhansen Mar 26 '12 at 18:20
  • not directly i know of, but process explorer may fit your requirements. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653 – johnshen64 Mar 26 '12 at 18:43
  • I need a way to do it from the command prompt because eventually i need to do it in a batch script. – hanleyhansen Mar 26 '12 at 18:56
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    again in powershell, you can do: (get-process processname).cpu, where processname is the name of the process. this is only a snapshot at the tiem so you need to do some sort of summing/averaging etc. yourself. – johnshen64 Mar 26 '12 at 19:52

I found a tool which -- while not a direct port -- appears to give you the information you desire.

C:\> timemem "find \"e\" myfile.txt"

---------- MYFILE.TXT
>ONE Homo sapiens alu
>TWO IUB ambiguity codes
>THREE Homo sapiens frequency

Process ID: 476
    elapsed time (seconds): 5.81
    user time (seconds): 0.55
    kernel time (seconds): 0.30
    Page Fault Count: 3150
    Peak Working Set Size (kbytes): 12420
    Quota Peak Paged Pool Usage: 78324
    Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage: 2240
    Peak Pagefile Usage: 917504

timemem.exe is available from Andy Fingerhut's page of code and the timemem source is hosted on github as part of the clojure-benchmark repo.

Much detail is available in readme-timemem.txt, form where I copied the above example.

(found from this neglected answer over on superuser)

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