In VMWare vSphere 5 I have the following setup. Why is there no communication on vSwitch1?
vSphere Configuration:
NAS Configuration:
Ping Tests:
In VMWare vSphere 5 I have the following setup. Why is there no communication on vSwitch1?
vSphere Configuration:
NAS Configuration:
Ping Tests:
Your OpenIndiana system needs to have two network interfaces in order to accomplish what you're trying to do. In the vSphere client, add another Network adapter and address it on the 10.0.0.x subnet.
Make sure that one network adapter is assigned to the "SAN" network label and the other to the "VM Network" label.
One network adapter is so you can see and manage the storage VM on the VM Network. The second adapter is the link between the storage VM and ESXi so you can serve NFS.
Make sure your vSwitch1 has an MTU of 9000. vSwitch Properties -> vSwitch -> Edit -> MTU. – ewwhite 2 hours ago