I'm trying to use the SQLNCLI 10 driver to set up a Linked Server to a legacy SQL Server 2000 instance on our network.

I understand you cannot use Version 11 as it doesn't support SQL Server 2000 (running on Windows 2003 latest service packs). The SQL Server 2012 is on Windows 2008 x64.

I can create the conenction, and the databases and their schemas display, but when I try to execute a query I get:

Msg 8522, Level 16, State 3, Line 1 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has stopped this transaction.

Anyone seen this or know how to resolve it?

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  • Have you configured MS DTC on both servers? – mrdenny Mar 15 '12 at 02:02
  • Yes. I've tried altering the security settings - no joy – WOPR Mar 15 '12 at 02:13
  • Can you run a simple transaction as a distributed transaction? – mrdenny Mar 15 '12 at 02:27
  • This appears to be a bug in the new version of the driver. You need to wrap the call in an explicit transaction to work around it. – WOPR Mar 18 '12 at 08:04
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    Be sure to submit the feedback to Microsoft via connect.microsoft.com so that they can address the problem. – mrdenny Mar 18 '12 at 08:39
  • Done : https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/731869/using-sqlncli10-to-create-a-linked-server-to-sql-server-2000-causes-a-fault – WOPR Mar 18 '12 at 23:21

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