I have SharePoint 2007. When the database backups run using SQLCMD, SharePoint sites go into read-only. Users can't add anything to the sites and the buttons are grayed out. On the backend the databases do not get set to read-only. My question is this, is this normal with SharePoint? I have read some forums that say SharePoint does this by default but the information is a little murky.

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1 Answers1


This is standard practice. You wouldn't want your users trying to submit changes to a database that is being backed up. Also, stop doing backups during production hours. Schedule them for after-hours or something. It's very poor practice to do otherwise.

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  • It is 24X7 and we have a set of users that edit a log for turnover for the next shift. SQL 2005 t-sql backups do not lock or put databases in read-only. My question is, is this normal for sharepoint? – Bryan Feb 28 '12 at 16:45
  • Yes this is normall for sharepoint. – Zapto Mar 01 '12 at 20:56