I was completing the instructions in finding MySQL's password, when I saw this
[some image of virus mails but lost]
My var at Root has the folder /var/virusmails which name is strange.
The user of the folder is _amavisd
which I do not know.
The same user has also the folder amavis such that
0 drwxr-xr-x 6 _amavisd _amavisd 204B May 31 2008 amavis
0 drwxr-xr-x 2 _amavisd _amavisd 68B May 31 2008 virusmails
Amavis seems to be a virus-scanner provider. However, I have not installed the files. This suggests me that the files are built into OS X.
I am interested in which components use the virus-scanner in OS X. I have never noted it to be running.
Which OS X components need the Amavis Virus-scanner?