I updated my sources.list with

deb http://repo.percona.com/apt squeeze main
deb-src http://repo.percona.com/apt squeeze main

And called

 gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 1C4CBDCDCD2EFD2A

The Result was, that it seemed to import something, so the key was found on this sever!?

Nevertheless now I get the error:

GPG error: http://repo.percona.com squeeze Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 1C4CBDCDCD2EFD2A

  1. How can I disable/ignore the keychecking in apt in general?

  2. What is the adviced way to fix the problem itself. Is there some way to search the key somewhere elese? How would I do that?

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2 Answers2


You have to add the key to apt using apt-key:

gpg -a --output /tmp/pub.asc --export 1C4CBDCDCD2EFD2A
sudo apt-key add /tmp/pub.asc && rm /tmp/pub.asc

cf. http://blog.edseek.com/archives/2007/03/17/apt-key-gpg-key-import-on-ubuntu-and-debian/

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The key is also directly available from the Percona website. Import it as following:

wget -O - http://www.percona.com/redir/downloads/RPM-GPG-KEY-percona | gpg --import
gpg --armor --export 1C4CBDCDCD2EFD2A | apt-key add -

Edit: Percona is going to change their SSH key before the end of this year. See instructions on their website http://www.percona.com/ssh-key-rotation/instructions

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