I just set up OSSEC, but I accidentally shut myself out already from my home ip.

So does OSSEC have a function to unblock an IP after it is blocked or do I need to do this manually in iptables ?

Also does OSSEC provide a way to temporary ban IP's ?

Lucas Kauffman
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2 Answers2


To manually unblock them you need to change the ‘add’ to ‘delete’, so to the delete the previous rules it would be:

/var/ossec/active-response/bin/host-deny.sh delete - 1328614852.61546 5712
/var/ossec/active-response/bin/firewall-drop.sh delete - 1328614852.61546 5712

Sometimes rules are to strict or not strict enough. You might want to change something or add something yourself. This can be done in local_rules.xml file. Suggest we want to increase the tresshold of failed login on http auth for apache2. If we look at the apache_rules.xml we see a number of rules. The interesting one is:

 <rule id="30119" level="12" frequency="6" timeframe="120">
    <same_source_ip />
    <description>Multiple attempts blocked by Mod Security.</description>

To change the frequency from 6 to 10, we need to copy the rule and paste it in local_rules.xml. Then we add a parameter overwrite=”yes” to tell OSSEC it needs to overwrite the rule defined in apache_rules.xml and instead use the one defined in local_rules.xml. The rule would look like this:

 <rule id="30119" level="12" frequency="10" timeframe="120" overwrite="yes">
    <same_source_ip />
    <description>Multiple attempts blocked by Mod Security.</description>

If we want to completely ignore this rule as it is not relevant for us, we just change the level to 0:

 <rule id="30119" level="0" frequency="10" timeframe="120" overwrite="yes">
    <same_source_ip />
    <description>Multiple attempts blocked by Mod Security.</description>

Excerpt from my blog answers this question.

Lucas Kauffman
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An I-need-to-unblock-IP-quickly approach (replace with your IP):

$ iptables -L | grep
$ grep /etc/hosts.deny

If the IP is found in iptables's DROP rule, then run:

/var/ossec/active-response/bin/firewall-drop.sh delete -

If the IP is found in /etc/hosts.deny, then run

/var/ossec/active-response/bin/host-deny.sh delete -
Martin Melka
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