I use git as a backup for my Windows system, and it's been incredibly useful. At the bottom of the post, I show the scripts I use to configure on a Windows system. Using git as a backup for any system provides 2 big advantages:
- Unlike commercial solutions often use their own proprietary format, your backup is in an open source format that is widely supported and very well documented. This gives you full control of your data. It's very easy to see which files changed and when. If you want to truncate your history, you can do that as well. Want to obliterate something from your history? No problem. Getting a version of your file back is as simple as any git command.
- As many or as few mirrors as you want, and all can have customized backup times. You'll get your local mirror, which is unburdened by slow Internet traffic, and thus gives you (1) the ability to do more frequent backups throughout the day and (2) a quick restoration time. (Frequent backups are a huge plus, because I find the most time I lose a document is by user-error. For example, your kid accidentally overwrites a document he's been working on for the last 5 hours.) But you'll get your remote mirror, which gives the advantage of data protection in case of a local disaster or theft. And suppose you want your remote mirror backing up at customized time to save your Internet bandwidth? No problem.
Bottom line: A git backup gives you incredible amounts of power on controlling how your backups happen.
I configured this on my Windows system. The first step is to create the local git repo where you will commit all your local data to. I recommend using a local second hard drive, but using the same harddrive will work to (but it's expected you'll push this somewhere remote, or otherwise your screwed if the harddrive dies.)
You'll first need to install cygwin (with rsync), and also install git for Windows: http://git-scm.com/download/win
Next, create your local git repo (only run once):
@echo off
REM Set where the git repository will be stored
REM Create the backup git repo.
git %GIT_PARAMS% init
git %GIT_PARAMS% config core.autocrlf false
git %GIT_PARAMS% config core.ignorecase false
git %GIT_PARAMS% config core.fileMode false
git %GIT_PARAMS% config user.email backup@yourComputerName
git %GIT_PARAMS% config user.name backup
REM add a remote to the git repo. Make sure you have set myRemoteServer in ~/.ssh/config
REM The path on the remote server will vary. Our remote server is a Windows machine running cygwin+ssh.
REM For better security, you could install gitolite on the remote server, and forbid any non-fast-forward merges, and thus stop a malicious user from overwriting your backups.
git %GIT_PARAMS% remote add origin myRemoteServer:/cygdrive/c/backup/yourComputerName.git
REM treat all files as binary; so you don't have to worry about autocrlf changing your line endings
echo *.gbkuptest text>> %ATTRIBUTES_FILE%
echo * binary>> %ATTRIBUTES_FILE%
REM compression is often a waste of time with binary files
echo * -delta>> %ATTRIBUTES_FILE%
REM You may need to get rid of windows new lines. We use cygwin's tool
C:\cygwin64\bin\dos2unix %ATTRIBUTES_FILE%
Next, we have our backup script wrapper, which will be called regularly by Windows Scheduler:
' A simple vbs wrapper to run your bat file in the background
Set oShell = CreateObject ("Wscript.Shell")
Dim strArgs
strArgs = "cmd /c C:\opt\gbackup\gbackup.bat"
oShell.Run strArgs, 0, false
Next, we have the backup script itself that the wrapper calls:
@echo off
REM Set where the git repository will be stored
REM the user which runs the scheduler
SET GBKUP_RUN_AS_USER=yourWindowsUserName
REM exclude file
SET GBKUP_EXCLUDE_FILE=/cygdrive/c/opt/gbackup/exclude-from.txt
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('C:\cygwin64\bin\cygpath %GBKUP_LOCAL_MIRROR_HOME%') do set GBKUP_LOCAL_MIRROR_CYGWIN=%%i
REM rename any .git directories as they were (see below command)
for /r %GBKUP_LOCAL_MIRROR_HOME% %%i in (%GBKUP_TMP_GIT_DIR_NAME%) do ren "%%i" ".git" 2> nul
SET RSYNC_CMD_BASE=C:\cygwin64\bin\rsync -ahv --progress --delete --exclude-from %GBKUP_EXCLUDE_FILE%
REM rsync all needed directories to local mirror
REM rename any .git directories as git will ignore the entire directory, except the main one
for /r %GBKUP_LOCAL_MIRROR_HOME% %%i in (.git) do ren "%%i" "%GBKUP_TMP_GIT_DIR_NAME%" 2> nul
REM finally commit to git
SET BKUP_LOG_FILE=%TMP%\git-backup.log
SET TO_LOG=1^>^> %BKUP_LOG_FILE% 2^>^&1
echo ===========================BACKUP START=========================== %TO_LOG%
For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%%c-%%a-%%b)
For /f "tokens=1-2 delims=/:" %%a in ('time /t') do (set mytime=%%a%%b)
echo %mydate%_%mytime% %TO_LOG%
echo updating git index, committing, and then pushing to remote %TO_LOG%
REM Caution: The --ignore-errors directive tells git to continue even if it can't access a file.
git %GIT_PARAMS% add -Av --ignore-errors %TO_LOG%
git %GIT_PARAMS% commit -m "backup" %TO_LOG%
git %GIT_PARAMS% push -vv --progress origin master %TO_LOG%
echo ===========================BACKUP END=========================== %TO_LOG%
We have exclude-from.txt file, where we put all the files to ignore:
You'll need to go to any remote repos and do a 'git init --bare' on them. You can test the script by executing the backup script. Assuming everything works, go to Windows Scheduler and point an hourly backup toward the vbs file. After that, you'll have a git history of your computer for every hour. It's extremely convenient -- every accidentally delete a section of text and miss it? Just check your git repository.