I want the umask to be more permissive for users when they switch to a non-default group. Just to demonstrate what I mean:

$ id
uid=500(beamin) gid=500(beamin) groups=10(wheel)

$ umask

$ sg wheel

$ umask # I want this to now be 0002 instead

I was thinking of adding a script to /etc/profile.d/ that would look like this:

if [ "`id -u`" -ge 500 ] && [ "`id -g`" -ne "`id -u`" ]; then
   umask 0002

I got 500 because all our user uids are larger or equal to that. Is this the best way to do it? Or does someone have something that makes more sense?

Belmin Fernandez
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2 Answers2


I think your solution is fine. In a shell script you can use:

(umask 022;exec sg wheel )

Test with:

umask 002
( umask 022; exec sg wheel umask)

For an alternative solution see my similar post: How do I set permissions structure for multiple users editing multiple sites in /var/www on Ubuntu 9.10?

Mircea Vutcovici
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You could create a script mysg that executes sg arg followed by umask X where X is either 002 or 022 depending on which group was entered. Probably not the most elegant solution...

Paul Ackerman
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