When rebooting a Linode server, and logging into the lish I am seeing:

/dev/xvda has gone 220 days without being checked, check forced.

When trying to reboot the server. I had run a routine command for the web server and received a seg fault, then upon rebooting experienced this.

What's odd is when I shut the server down it will work for a few minutes during reboot... then when turned back on continues to hang.

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1 Answers1

/dev/xvda has gone 220 days without being checked, check forced.

This message is quite normal. You can change it with tune2fs:

  • -c max-mount-counts
  • -i interval-between-checks

I had run a routine command for the web server and received a segfault

What command did you run? Could you please show us the output? Did you try to debug with gdb?

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