mod_perl2 on Windows?

It's sometimes beneficial (at least for me) to have a recent Apache http server plus mod_perl2 (and PHP) running on the development (desktop) box to try out some ideas.

This was straightforward until Perl version 5.10 where you could simply install the win32 binary from apache.org, install Activeperl 5.10, then install mod_perl2 via the Activestate-ppm installer and be done with it. Both Perl and the httpd binary were VC6 (Visual C++ 6) builds, mod_perl2 would get runtime-loaded without problems.

After Perl 5.10 (and after PHP 5.2.17), the situation under windows got desperate. If I'm not mislead, you can't have a simple httpd/perl/php development system under Windows anymore. Why?

Newer PHP builds are VC9 only (build with Visual C++ 9) and won't runtime-link to apache.org httpd binaries. There are some folks (apachelounge etc.) who build VC9-httpd binaries which re-enables PHP development on windows.

But there are, if I'm correct, no recent mod_perl binaries neither for VC9 builds (preferable) nor for VC6 builds - there aren't any. After using mod_perl2 on windows for years and looking for updates - I'm surprised.

Does somebody know how to get a windows install (32bit) containing recent packages:

  • httpd 2.2.21 (or higher)
  • Perl 5.14.x + mod_perl 2.0.5 (or higher)
  • PHP 5.3.8 (or higher)

Thanks in advance


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1 Answers1


Here are three choices for getting this to work under Apache 2.2:

  • Build them all yourself using the correct version of Visual Studio | Hard
  • Download the src's from ActiveState and hope they have a win module for you as Apache recommends | Lucky
  • Go with ActivePerl | Easy

Here's the link from Apache to ActiveState but doesn't work for me, maybe works for you. ftp://ftp.activestate.com/ActivePerl/src/

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