I have a Linux machine (RedHat version release 5.6) in HP BLADE Hardware

I am trying to find a solution to identify the server name from my Linux OS (Linux installed in the HP Blade HW), (Server name) appears in the Access Options screen

 Example – how to configure the server name in the HP Blade:

 from the HP Blade System Onboard Administrator screen

 I configured the server name as the following:

  click on Device Bays 

  click on ILO (  device 1 )

  click on Web Administration

  click on  Administration

  click on  Access

  click on  Options

  from the Access Options screen 

  I type the server name: barracuda1 in (Server Name:) field

In device Bay 1 I installed Linux redhat version release 5.6

how to discover the server name ( as already configured in Access Options screen ) from my Linux?

Or by which tool/command/SW we can identify the Server Name from Linux OS

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2 Answers2


You need the HP ProLiant Support Pack or management agents installed on the server to obtain this information from the Linux command line. Once installed, the hponcfg utility has a -g flag, which corresponds to "Get Host Information". The following is an example where I have a different name defined in the ILO (as you've done) than the one defined in the server's /etc/sysconfig/network file.

[root@LA_Server ~]# hponcfg -g
Firmware Revision = 2.07 Device type = iLO 2 Driver name = hpilo
Host Information:
                        Server Name: LA_Server_New
                        Server Number: 000000000
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  • You mean that hponcfg exist in psp-8.73.rhel5.x86_64.en.tar.gz ? , so its fit for all HP BLADE types? , I will happy if you have other option how to find the server name via ipmi tool . – yael Nov 29 '11 at 14:47
  • Yes, it exists within that package. It can also be downloaded individually at: http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareDescription.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodTypeId=15351&prodSeriesId=3884082&prodNameId=3884083&swEnvOID=4004&swLang=8&mode=2&taskId=135&swItem=MTX-c019e7bdb3004a708cfded1c54 – ewwhite Nov 29 '11 at 15:09
  • did you have some idea how to identify server name via ipmi? – yael Nov 29 '11 at 15:37
  • No. `hponcfg` is the right tool to query this information. You should probably have the HP agents installed anyway. – ewwhite Nov 29 '11 at 15:50
  • thanks Ewwhite for the great solution, I also want to perform auto inserting of the server name in to the HP blade , I mean if there are some other simple ways to automate the server name procedure in place the manual inserting , as you know the manual procedure is to insert the server name to each HW machine , in this way its take allot of time and I want to automate the process - did you have some brilliant idea – yael Nov 29 '11 at 22:26
  • If you install the HP Management Agents on the Linux server (blade), the server's $HOSTNAME will be automatically populated in the ILO configuration. – ewwhite Nov 29 '11 at 22:56
  • please advice which agents they packages? or bin files? from where to get them? , any way my target is to read the hostname from the HP blade and to insert this hostname to the linux (/etc/sysconfig/network – yael Nov 29 '11 at 23:19

Try dmidecode - it might contain the information you set in iLO. If not, take a look at ipmitool - it is capable of reading information from IPMI-compliant hosts, but obviously would require network connectivity.

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  • I dont get info about servername by dmidecode , about ipmitool can you please give real example how to find the server name via ipmitool from the linux server ( I have network connectivity ) – yael Nov 29 '11 at 13:13