I have made a complete application solution built on top of ubuntu.
Now that I have this ready; i'm looking to make my very own install of ubuntu (the smallest footprint possible with only the very bare minimal packages that my application requires).
My application consisty mainly of a mysql server, php, proftp and nginx (plus some other bash scripts).
The idea would be to have a clean & lean installer that will install everything so that i can redistribute this 'application' with a simple installation cd (easier for the end user).
I've stumbled upon Ubuntu Minimal Remix (http://www.ubuntu-mini-remix.org/)
Which seems a good starting point; but it's a live cd; I can install my whole application framework on it, no problem. But then, i don't know how to make an installer or how to build the iso that will actually install my "appliance".
I'd appreciate any simple guidelines or directions to get me started.