I have an http block where I include virtual hosts for the different domains hosted on the same server. For each virtual host I do:

listen domain.com:80;

Now, domain2.com works fine. However, when I do www.domain2.com it shows the page for domain1.com!

How to properly configure nginx? Does this have something to do whether www is a CNAME or an A record?

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2 Answers2

server {
 listen WHATEVER_IP:80;
 server_name domain2.com;
 ... rest of config for domain2.com goes here

server {
 listen WHATEVER_IP:80;
 server_name www.domain2.com;
 ... rest of config for www.domain2.com goes here

This will work whether the two IPs are the same or not. You can just use listen 80; if you don't need different servers on different IPs and everything is name-based.

David Schwartz
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It looks like you can do the following in a server block:

listen 80;
server_name domain.com www.domain.com;
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