We have a 3 mbps by 3 mbps dedicated, unshared pipe that hosts a web server, mail server, and VoIP/web browsing traffic for 8 employees. The web server hosts a few different sites that average about 250,000 page views total per month, with something less than a 40kb average page load size I'd estimate. I'm not sure how much of that is cached. (Side question: Is there some place in Google Analytics/Webmaster Tools that calculates actual page load size w/ taking into account cached values?)
Our #1 priority is to ensure fast load times from our web server. How should we know when we need to expand our connection beyond 3x3? Should I worry about employee web browsing traffic clogging up our download bandwidth? Will that affect page load time?
Our outbound data circuit traffic logs appear to hover around 500 kbit/second most of the time, sometimes bumps up to 1 mbps, and on occasion appears to hit our 3 mbps cap.