I just installed Apache, php and MySQL manually in windows 8. It works fine

but the problem is when i try to open the directory in browser it auto opens index.html but not index.php

for ex: i have following folder structure


if i access "localhost/folder1/index.php" it loads fine, but if i access"localhost/folder1" then it will show all the files and folder in that folder.

Is there anyway I can make localhost open index.php open automatically and not show files inside that folder?

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  • You installed a bunch of *nix-native technologies on a developer preview of Windows that's not slated to be released for over a year? There's no way this is on topic. – MDMarra Nov 11 '11 at 20:28

2 Answers2


Check that the DirectoryIndex directive is set correctly in you apache configuration file e.g.

DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi index.pl index.php index.xhtml index.htm

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locate your server config DirectoryIndex definition in apache config file(s) and add index.php to whatever is already there. you can also have a DirectoryIndex per vhost. Or per directory. or inside a .htaccess. see mod_dir directoryIndex documentation

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