I recently performed a P2V on an old OEM XP installation.

This required running an in place install to convert from an OEM to a VLK. On completion I was unable to connect to remote desktop. netstat -ano | find "3389" returns nothing.

I tried axing and the [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server] keys and importing from a known good source. This resulted in the service listening on 3389 but failing with "an error occurred while the connection was being established".

As far as I can tell the only difference between these two sets of registry keys are the color depth, a few printers and a VIDEO subkey:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\VIDEO\disc] "VgaCompatible"="\Device\Video0" "\Device\Video0"="\REGISTRY\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TSDDD\Device0"

I also tried a frequently referenced KB article and devcon. No change.

devcon.exe -r install %windir%\inf\machine.inf root\rdpdr

I'm at a loss as to a solution to this issue.

EDIT - I'm sure that the necessary service is running and that the system is set up to allow remote access.

Tim Brigham
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2 Answers2


Are you sure that the machine is setup for RDP still? Might just need to disable then enable RDP. Is the RDP service running?

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I came up with a working solution for this issue. In the end there were several points that needed to be addressed.

1: The OEM license key, addressed by an in place repair.

2: Ghost devices. The P2V did not remove all the old hardware references included by the OS. To resolve I used a third devcon party script to remove all the extraneous entries.

3: A "Terminal Server Device Redirector" device was showing as not having the proper drivers installed. This was the result of the P2V. Resolved by removing the device.

4: Recreate the TS devices with devcon: devcon.exe -r install %windir%\inf\machine.inf root\rdpdr

5: Terminal Services not was still not functioning, not listening at all on port 3389 (via netstat -ano). To resolve I exported the registry keys from another VM with the same OS, SP and patch level and imported into the trouble VM.

Several sites indicated that a specific key \Device\Video0 is all that needs to be set. I found this not to be the case in my environment. Only after executing these in the exact order listed did I achieve the desired results.

Tim Brigham
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