So my HAProxy configuration is similar to this.
listen webaustin
mode http
timeout connect 12000
timeout server 60000
timeout queue 120000
balance roundrobin
option httpchk GET /index.html
log global
option httplog
option dontlog-normal
server web1 maxconn 600 check fall 10
server web2 maxconn 600 check fall 10
server web3 maxconn 600 check fall 10
server web4 maxconn 600 check fall 10
Which works pretty well for our systems, Four backend webservers, one frontend webserver, timeouts set to be reasonable.
My problem is, I have one URL, which i need to be vastly longer timeout. Its a very heavy task that takes a long time on the backend.
Is there anyway to change the timeout variables for a single URL?