My team is writing (social) website, witch should in theory grow up very fast. My task is to attempt to define the hardware requirements for such a page (for investors). Technology in which we create a page is PHP + MySQL. For some time I read about load balancers, squid, haproxy etc... Can anyone recommend a good source of knowledge where I could learn more about the possible configurations of servers and hardware combinations?

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  • I would say that books are good sources for knowledge. Or the Internet. – mailq Oct 17 '11 at 14:55
  • Sounds like you are way out of your depth - you want other people to provide you an answer which might require weeks of information gathering in around 10 lines? – symcbean Oct 17 '11 at 16:04

1 Answers1


These titles are a good starting point:

Scalable Internet Architectures

Web Operations: Keeping the Data On Time

Make sure you have a test or staging environment where you can try out new configurations before you push things to prod.


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