While easy on Linux, not as easy on Windows from what I've been able to gather so far. I've found the command that kinda does what I want which is:
net user username /domain
However I wish to strip all of the data except for the list of the groups. I think findstr may be the answer but I'm not sure of how to use this to do that. Essentially, I guess the script would do something like this (unless there is a more specific command which would be fabulous):
net user username /domain > temp.txt
findstr (or some other command) file.txt > groups.txt
del temp.txt
The output of the data would be a list like this:
group1; group2; group3
Now, I could be going about this a complicated way, so as I mentioned if there is a command that can output ONLY a user's security groups that would be fantastic.
Thanks guys!
Note: asked this on superuser but just found that this site may be more appropriate.