I'd like to run a backup rsync job from one Drobo to another. I've managed to get rsync and the ssh tools installed so that I can ssh from my desktop into backup@drobo1.local and then ssh into backup@drobo2.local from drobo1.local

What I need to setup is the backup user on Drobo2 which has a passwordless login from Drobo1.

How do I go about setting this up?

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  • Do you mean something like this? http://serverfault.com/questions/172612/rsync-via-multiple-ssh-connections-with-a-key – mailq Oct 09 '11 at 21:27

1 Answers1


Sounds like you just need to Setup public key authentication first.

You generate the key as the user which will initiate the backup on drobo1, and put it in the authorised_keys file (as a new single line in the file) for the backup user on drobo2.

Then you would have to setup the cronjob on drobo1 to do the rsync automated if needed.

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    This blog post looks like it's what you want to do exactly: http://www.bryanrite.com/drobo-incremental-rsync-backups/ – churnd Oct 11 '11 at 10:43