Ubuntu ships with vnc4server which is based on RealVNC.

CentOS ships with TigerVNC, which is based on TightVNC which is based on RealVNC.

Does anyone know feature wise what is different between vnc4server and TigerVNC?

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1 Answers1


The main difference is in the supported RFB protocol version.

I assume (did't check that) that vnc4server will support newer version.

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Michał Šrajer
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  • Sorry, but I don't understand the down-votes here. The version of the protocol that is supported is the primary and most notable difference. – Zoredache Oct 03 '11 at 16:55
  • @Zoredache: You edited out the reason. The original form of the answer was nothing more than a guess that would require an independent check (arguably something Sandra could have done herself). I don't think this is very helpful, but actually came back here to leave a comment with an explanation for Michal, who is obviously new here. – Sven Oct 03 '11 at 17:15
  • @SvenW: Thanks for down-vote rationale. It's true - I'm new here. I shared what I knew hoping it will be helpful. Didn't know exact supported (set of) versions so I wanted to be honest. I still believe this answer might have been helpful especially being the only one. – Michał Šrajer Oct 03 '11 at 17:39
  • @MichałŠrajer: I agree that your answer is helpful, but in my opinion, this type of answer is betted suited as a comment to the question, as it is pointing in the right direction, but not actually answering the question. This is kind of a grey area though, and anyway I hope you understand that downvotes are nearly never meant personal (and certainly not in this case). Also, I removed the downvote, as Z.'s edit made it a factual answer. – Sven Oct 03 '11 at 17:56
  • @SvenW: Thanks. If there was a better (full) answer I would probably just leave the comment. Regards. – Michał Šrajer Oct 03 '11 at 18:05