Running Ubuntu 11.04(natty) on an EC2 micro instance. Setup 1gb swap file at /mnt/swap. Works fine until I reboot and then the swap is not active. I can activate it manually using swapon -a, but my line in /etc/fstab is ignored.

/mnt/swap      none    swap    defaults        0       0

(I also tried "sw" instead of defaults)

I'm using an EBS backed AMI.

This does work if I put the swap file in other places, but not at /mnt/. I'm curious as to why?

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  • Minor note: there is no "Ubuntu 11". There is a released "Ubuntu 11.04" and there will be an "Ubuntu 11.10". The version number is a combination of the year.month of the release. – Eric Hammond Sep 30 '11 at 22:11

1 Answers1


On instance types other than micro, one of the instance store block devices gets mounted to /mnt. In my micro instance launch, I have a line in fstab for /dev/sdb. I would try removing this line.

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