I'm trying to robocopy some files silently. Right now, I have robocopy putting everything into a log file, which is fine, but after it finished, Log File: C:\<logfiledestination> is printed. My command looks like this:

robocopy source destination /mir /xd .svn /log:log.txt /np >nul 2>&1.

From searching online, I thought that >nul 2>&1 would have prevented anything from showing up. I'm extremely new to the windows command line, so if I'm doing something wrong, please let me know!

Edit: I had a phantom half-sentence in there that I missed. Fixed now though.

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    Looks good to me. Does robocopy have a quiet switch (/q maybe?). BTW, The interpretation of >nul 2>&1 is "redirect stdout to nul and redirect stderr (file handle 2) to stdout (file handle 1) and therefor to nul. – uSlackr Sep 19 '11 at 17:39
  • Thanks. robocopy doesn't look like it has a quiet switch; is it possible that robocopy is printing to console and not stdout? – CoV Sep 19 '11 at 18:23
  • Nevermind. That command is working fine. My real problem is actually coming from perl, since I am using the `system` command to call that command in a perl script. The `>nul` is not hiding the output from perl, so it's still showing up in my perl output. – CoV Sep 19 '11 at 19:14
  • I guess I was searching for the wrong answer. My final solution comes from calling the above command using backticks instead of perl's `system`. Thanks for your help though! – CoV Sep 19 '11 at 19:19

2 Answers2


These switches worked for me:

/NFL : No File List - don't log file names.
/NDL : No Directory List - don't log directory names.
/NJH : No Job Header.
/NJS : No Job Summary.'
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It looks like these two options may be of help to you:

/NJH :: No Job Header.
/NJS :: No Job Summary.
John Gardeniers
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