i'm looking for opensource 2 factor authentication service. (Right now we're using openLDAP.)

We're just using Linux Servers. That's why the service should work well with PAM Linux.

It would also be nice to have 2 factor authentication support for Dell's iDrac and Cisco.

Thanks in advance for any links :-)

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5 Answers5


OpenOTP is a solution.

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    i will take your answer as the correct one, **although the core componenent (otp-server) isn't opensource**... but this server has a lot of features... thank you for this great link! :-) – JMW Sep 18 '11 at 23:36
  • No problem. I looked into this briefly, but never implemented it here. It'd be interesting to see if you could utilize this solution with Windows Logon... probably by "side-loading" a module into AD. – mbrownnyc Sep 19 '11 at 16:53

Google Authenticator can be installed as a PAM module. We've had good results with it. The smartphone apps are free and open source, as well.

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Duosecurity provides a two-factor authentication service. It works with mobiles phones as hardware token, but it seems that you can't run your own server.

If I remember correctly, the client-side is opensource. It works with pam, juniper and cisco's ssl vpn, and others.

I liked a lot the push request on the phone with their android/iphone app :)

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Still looking?

privacyidea is the open source solution. It is a fork of LinOTP. privacyidea is hosted at github, discussed at github and issues are kept at github to give you best transparency.

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We have an open-source two-factor authentication option: http://www.wikidsystems.com/community-version


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