When updating with yum i recieve the following message:

yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * atomic: www7.atomicorp.com
 * base: mirror.de.leaseweb.net
 * extras: mirror.de.leaseweb.net
 * updates: mirror.de.leaseweb.net
118 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
Setting up Update Process
No Packages marked for Update

What does that mean ? How to install these packages ?

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3 Answers3


From what I understand, this error is generated from the priorities plugin as noted by Pawel.

In 2009, the maintainer of yum mentioned that he hoped people would not use priorities. To disable the priorities plugin, edit /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/priorities.conf and set enabled = 0. After this change, next time you run yum update, you should not get any priority protections.

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    I signed in just to upvote this. My openssh was not getting updated to the latest version because the priority setting was enabled. This helped me. Thanks! – Manish Singh May 02 '14 at 12:42
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    Yes, the 'set enabled = ' worked for me. It would be nice to tease more information from yum - such as the names of the affected packages and the repositories they come from. (Is this a separate question?) – bobgus Oct 28 '14 at 18:36
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    You can also disable the plugin from `yum`'s command line with this line: `--disableplugin=priorities` – KJH Sep 14 '15 at 16:23
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    DO NOT RUN `yum erase yum-plugin-priorities`. You will lose sudo access and be unable to SSH into your server. – Snowman Dec 01 '18 at 18:56
  • Is it a best practice to disable priorities then? – Ian Smith May 19 '21 at 01:44

In case you want to know which packages are excluded due to priority protections you can use

yum list updates -d3
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Some packages are held by more than one repository. The priorities plugin choose packages from the highest-priority repository, excluding duplicate entries from other repos.

Paweł Brodacki
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