How do I check the Jenkins build status without switching to the browser?
If required, I can create a script using the JSON API, but I was wondering if there is already something like this built in.
How do I check the Jenkins build status without switching to the browser?
If required, I can create a script using the JSON API, but I was wondering if there is already something like this built in.
I couldn't find a built in tool so I made one:
# author: ajs
# license: bsd
# copyright: re2
import json
import sys
import urllib
import urllib2
jenkinsUrl = ""
if len( sys.argv ) > 1 :
jobName = sys.argv[1]
jobNameURL = urllib.quote(jobName)
else :
jenkinsStream = urllib2.urlopen( jenkinsUrl + jobNameURL + "/lastBuild/api/json" )
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print "URL Error: " + str(e.code)
print " (job name [" + jobName + "] probably wrong)"
buildStatusJson = json.load( jenkinsStream )
print "Failed to parse json"
if buildStatusJson.has_key( "result" ):
print "[" + jobName + "] build status: " + buildStatusJson["result"]
if buildStatusJson["result"] != "SUCCESS" :
Check to see if a build is running or not
I tried the Python script in the answer to this question, but couldn't get it to work. I don't know Python, and didn't want to invest any time in debugging, but was able to read enough of the script to gain inspiration from it.
All I need to do is check to see if a build is running or not. To do that I used curl and grep, like this:
curl http://myjenkins/job/myjob/lastBuild/api/json | grep --color result\":null
will return 0.result\":null
will return 1.Not especially elegant, but it works well enough for my needs.
For example, I have a Bash script that starts a build, then waits for it to finish:
# Start the build
curl $JOB_URL/build?delay=0sec
# Poll every thirty seconds until the build is finished
while [ $GREP_RETURN_CODE -eq 0 ]
sleep 30
# Grep will return 0 while the build is running:
curl --silent $JOB_STATUS_URL | grep result\":null > /dev/null
echo Build finished
Thanks for the inspiration, Catskul!
A former colleague of mine wrote which has a whole bunch of convenience features and API type stuff around working with a Jenkins instance from Python...
Another Python solution:
from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins
jenkins_url = 'http://<server url>/'
server = Jenkins(jenkins_url, username = 'myUser', password = myPass)
job_instance = server.get_job('the job name')
running = job_instance.is_queued_or_running()
if not running:
latestBuild = job_instance.get_last_build()
print latestBuild.get_status()
I think I found an easier way. If I understood correctly, you want to check the result of the build - if it was a success or a failure, in other words.
Jenkins CLI's "build" command changes the exit code depending on the result of the build, as long as you use the -s
or -f
option at the end.
For example,
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s <url of Jenkins instance> build <project> -s
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s <url of Jenkins instance> build <project> -f
Notice that the option goes at the end; it's not the first -s
, which is used to define the URL of the Jenkins instance.
And then, to get the result, you can use $?
echo $?
If the result is 0, it was a success. If it's something other than 0, it was a failure.
Reference: I can't find a public Jenkins instance that gives access to this page, but it can be found in your local Jenkins instance: http://<url of Jenkins Instance>/cli/command/build
. It also explains the difference between -s
and -f
-s : Wait until the completion/abortion of the command. Interrupts are passed
through to the build.
-f : Follow the build progress. Like -s only interrupts are not passed
through to the build.
You can use a Groovy script:
Via jenkins-cli
echo 'println(jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance'\
'.getItem("<JOB-NAME>").lastBuild.building)' \
| java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s <JENKINS-URL> groovy =
, where =
means standard in. You can authenticate with --username <USER> --password <PASS>
or with -i <SSH-PRIVATE-KEY>
echo -e 'println(jenkins.getItem("JOB-NAME").lastBuild.building)\nexit' \
| ssh -p <JENKINS-SSH-PORT> <JENKINS-HOST> groovysh
Fortunately, there is a jenkins-cli that you can use to get some information from Jenkins. Unfortunately, you can't retrieve the status of a build using the CLI--which means your solution of using the JSON API is not only correct--it's the only programmatic way of doing so.
Also, while it looks like get-job
might do what you want, it doesn't actually return the result--it only returns the job configuration.
Another script for CMD (Windows):
ping -n 6 1>nul
curl --silent http://localhost:8080/job/JOB_NAME/lastBuild/api/xml | FINDSTR "SUCCESS FAILURE" >nul & IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto :loop)
You can try with this,
# Start the build
curl --user "username:password" $JOB_URL/build?delay=0sec
# Poll every 10 second until the build is finished
while [ $GREP_RETURN_CODE -eq 0 ]
sleep 10
# Grep will return 0 while the build is running:
curl --user "username:password" --silent $JOB_STATUS_URL | grep result\":null > /dev/null || if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then
exit 0
echo Build finished