If your trying different directory filters, make sure to clear out your destination folder between changes!
A gotcha for me was that I didn't realize the ignore directory switch is applied to the destination folders as well. I had ran robocopy with /MIR
and changed the source directory, and my destination directory updated as expected. Then I noticed I had archive folders I didn't want, so I added /XD archive
, but my destination folder still had archive folders in it!
After messing with wildcards and including/excluding the \
s, I finally tried deleting the destination folder and re-running the script - this time it didn't have the archive folders! Here is the command I was running, with the directory names changed to protect the innocent:
robocopy \\SERVER\Some\Folder\Path .\Some\Relative\Path /Copy:DAT /Mir /R:0 /W:1 /XD archive*