Take for example a host which monitored with nagios and check_mk. Now there are http and ssh servers running on it. What is the best monitoring strategy:
- Monitor that sshd & apache process are running
- Attempt to connect to correct ports e.g. 22 & 80 from monitoring hosts
- Attempt to connect to port 80 from external network
I don't want to get loads of alerts:
- when host is down (check_mk can't connect for example)
- when I have a problem with my network (the services are actually available from other networks)
So I want to know monitoring strategies and theory behind it. Cause I don't just want to have multiple repetitive checks which simply generate loads of non useful alerts. What shall monitoring strive to achieve and how?
I already have nagios deployed with check_mk with more than 500 checks performed. It's a general question on how to plan your checks and achieve good coverage (monitoring solution agnostic if you like).