Possible Duplicate:
How do you get e2fsck to show progress information?

Is there a way to check the progress of fsck.ext3 under Ubuntu, if I'm logged in remotely?

Obviously the time taken depends on a lot of factors, but if fsck has to option of displaying a progress bar, it should be possible

Clarification: The fsck process has already been started in another terminal (at startup), and I need to view the progress from remote machine. Running fsck with the -C flag is therefore not the answer. I was hoping for a log file that I could look at (/var/log/fsck/* are empty).

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  • If you edit your question to show how it's not an exact dupe, it stands a chance of being reopened. – Wesley Aug 19 '11 at 20:10
  • After your edits, it's still a duplicate. The answer you're after is at http://serverfault.com/questions/118791/how-do-you-get-e2fsck-to-show-progress-information/118792#118792 – sciurus Aug 19 '11 at 21:56

1 Answers1


Try fsck -C, it displays progress on every step of checking (but not the total one)

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