I'm currently using Openfire and got about 400 concurrent users every evening. My Problem is: 1gb of Memory and two Xeon cores with 1.8ghz each are not enough for it and I'm pretty sure more power would not really eliminate the problems as it's memory leaking.

My Use case is as follows:

  • Only MUC

  • Users chat via BOSH (using punjab atm.)

  • Flood prevention is a must

  • Message archiving/logging is a must

  • Webinterface for administering would be good

  • External authentication is a must

Now my question is:

  • What is the best jabber server for this use case?

I want one which is actively developed, has a good documentation and a plus would be a webinterface for administering.

I'm currently evaluating ejabberd. But the documentation is really awful. Or is there any good documentation about it somewhere?

Thanks for any help.

Michael Weibel
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3 Answers3


One word: ejabberd. No web interface though and docs suck at large.

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    Can't begin to stress enough how awesome performance wise ejabberd is. (but yes, truly awful docs) – James Butler Aug 11 '11 at 11:43
  • I switched to ejabberd now. I'm really happy with the performance :) – Michael Weibel Sep 27 '11 at 12:14
  • ejabberd has a decent web interface. See old pics of it here: http://www.ejabberd.im/screenshots-administration We actually switched **from** ejabberd to Openfire for a few other reasons - including built-in support for LDAP-based roster groups - but we had the extra memory to spare for the JVM to be happy. – Jim Herrick Jan 22 '13 at 17:19
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    @JimHerrick I wouldn't call ejabberd's web interface decent ;) – Michael Weibel Feb 05 '13 at 07:18
  • No web interface, but you can manage it from your Jabber client with proper RPC support, AND the erlang debug shell allows you to do many interesting things. – b0fh Mar 20 '13 at 17:14

Tigase (www.tigase.org) is very good option. http://www.tigase.org/content/tigase-10mb-ram

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I know it is kind of late, but this can help somebody who is looking. In terms of performance and scalability ejabberd is the BEST. This is because it is powered by Erlang.

ejabberd performance metrics

Disadvantage: Lack of documentation, resources available for Erlang is extremely rare if you want to customize.