I am going to build a new server to handle a high-traffic php/mysql site. I am going to use SSD disks to benefit from fast random read performance but really got confused about choosing the right SSD type and (possible) RAID arrangement.
I need a degree of redundancy so tend to use disks in RAID 1, however, I am not sure whether TRIM will be possible in RAID 1 in my chosen RAID controller, and if TRIM is not possible in R1, what would be the impact on life expectancy of the disks. (I've read that not using TRIM causes the SSD performance degrades due to excessive writes)
Here are my (tentative) hardware specs:
Intel Xeon E3-1270 CPU
Supermicro X9SCL Motherboard
3Ware 9750-4I SAS/SATA RAID Controller Card
2 (?) x ~120GB SSD (NOT DECIDED YET!)
So I appreciate your hints to choose an optimal disk model and a suitable RAID arrangement.