
Firstly why im going to use a workstation as a server: im broke and the choice was between a totally done/crap ancient server or a half decent hp workstation i chose the hp workstation with xeon(core2based) and a some fb-dimms.. for like 50 quid. I am putting a decent harddisk in it and will backup projects to my main pc.

Primary purpose of the server = well multipurpose i want to put databases run wcf services to them, perhaps host a website and lol maybe through the odd game server up, i realise ive mentioned alot of things but none of them will be that intensive they will all be small and not that intensive(wcf&database for my mobile phone apps).

Being a new grad means i can get my hands on almost anything Microsoft for free.(and no i dont want linux for this, its fine just being on my other :) computers)

Right my question is which version of windows server would be best for me? i can get my hands on many verions but cant find an overview to tell me what there about in web store were i get them MS does what they do best in describing a product by describing loads of stuff except what the hell it does.

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1 Answers1


Overview of Windows Server Editions.

As a student, you will appreciate that page. So. Much. Learninating.

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    +1 for the word learninating – Nixphoe Aug 08 '11 at 23:50
  • thanks im a new grad and not in server tech nor networking, MS has an awful webstore that after a product description leaves with no notion of what you were reading does do ?? il remember to come back here for the vote downs :) cheers – RY4N Aug 08 '11 at 23:55
  • @RY4N that just means you have learninating to do! Super User might be more of what you're looking for. – Nixphoe Aug 08 '11 at 23:58