I need to virtualize an IBM Laptop that one of the engineers at my company uses. The hardware is on it's last legs and setting up a new computer from scratch is not an option as it'd be too time consuming to reinstall and reconfigure all the software on it.
So, I converted it using vconverter and upon reboot it prompts me to re-activate windows.
Based on research, I understand I need to pay for a new license key. How do you do this? From research, there are apparently not only OEM locked but BIOS locked copies of windows...
I tried a valid XP key I got from our technet subscription just to see what would happen and it wouldn't work.
So, I'm assuming I have a little more work todo then just buy a new retail version of XP. Can anyone tell me what the process is?
EDIT: I performed a repair install as the accepted answer suggested. This process was very time consuming but it did work. .NET needed to be reinstalled and most of the software had to be reactivated which was a pain.