I'm a programmer and a total newbie as a sysadmin...

Today I started receiving error emails from our production site:

Incorrect key file for table 'xxx'; try to repair it

I found the server with 2 out of 4 cores pegged at 100% CPU by MySQL. Took down the site, the crons, everything, and about 10 minutes later CPU went to 0.

Trying to backup the DB (mysqldump) resulted in CPU at 100% again, for several minutes, without any real output to log file.

I tried REPAIR TABLE, got this:

| Table                      | Op     | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| db.table                   | repair | error    | Corrupt  |

So that didn't work...

I thought of creating a new table (InnoDB) and "INSERT SELECT" from this one to try and recover some records, but SELECTING from the table (SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 1) also sends the CPU to 100% for a couple minutes, and again gives me the "Incorrect key file" error...

I got this error for 3 of the 4 tables in this DB, all 3 of them use the ARCHIVE engine and have several million records. (Largest is 46M records)

This started about an hour ago, all of a sudden.

Any ideas what I should do next? I would ideally like to lose as few records as possible, but at the same time I need to get the site back up ASAP.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

Daniel Magliola
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  • How recent is the most recent backup, to get an idea of how many records you'd lose? – Bart Silverstrim Aug 04 '11 at 13:03
  • Sorry I missed this comment. I'd hope last night. My client's supposed to have arranged backups with the hosting company, but I don't know for a fact. I'm hoping to not have to count on Backups, ideally, and there may be none. – Daniel Magliola Aug 04 '11 at 13:15

2 Answers2


We had a corrupt ARCHIVE format table. Looked like it crashed in the middle of OPTIMIZE or REPAIR, with the size of the files.

Running REPAIR TABLE $tablename EXTENDED; twice fixed it, as per this old bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maria/+bug/881383

Worth a try before running to your backups.

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MySQL had a long-standing bug with Archive tables starting to corrupt after they got bigger than 2 GB. How big is your table?

Janne Pikkarainen
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